LACNIC Technical Forum

The LACNIC Technical Forum (LTF) is a space for the LACNIC community to share and discuss Internet technologies and implementations. It takes place within the framework of LACNIC events and includes high-level technical presentations on topics such as cybersecurity, IPv6, DNS, the Internet of Things, interconnection, routing, Content Distribution Networks, and regulations. 

LTF is a space promoted by LACNIC in response to community members’ need to strengthen their technical skills and build capacity to manage their networks.

In 2020, LACNIC began a process to review and update the LTF’s operating mechanism with the aim of improving its scope and technical level, as well as ensuring its growth.

This process was completed in 2021, when the LTF began to operate under a structure comprised of a Program Committee and a broad group of evaluators who cover various areas of expertise.

About the Program Committee

The responsibilities of the Program Committee include:

  • Preparing the call for presentations
  • Disseminating the call for presentations
  • Distributing the presentation proposals among the different evaluators
  • Searching for new evaluators
  • Searching for guest lecturers with presentation on key or novel topics related to Internet development
  • Promoting and supporting new figures of the technical community
  • Designing and deciding the final content of the FTL program

The Program Committee is made up by six members:

  • Three community representatives (one of them selected by the LACNOG Board, the other two by the LACNIC Board), each serving a two-year term
  • Four members of the LACNIC staff

Members of the 2024 Program Committee

Uesley Correa

Comunidad LACNIC

Pablo Cuello

Comunidad LACNIC

Jorge Villa

Comunidad LACNIC

Mariela Rocha


Graciela Martínez


Alessia Zucchetti


Elisa Peirano


Members of the 2023 Program Committee
  • Uesley Correa, LACNIC Community

  • Pablo Cuello, LACNIC Community

  • Jorge Villa, LACNIC Community

  • Ernesto Majó, LACNIC Staff

  • Carlos Martínez, LACNIC Staff

  • Mariela Rocha, LACNIC Staff

  • Guillermo Cicileo, LACNIC Staff

Members of the 2021-2022 Program Committee
  • Wanda Pérez, LACNIC Community
  • Jorge Villa, LACNIC Community
  • Ernesto Majó, LACNIC Staff
  • Carlos Martínez, LACNIC Staff
  • Mariela Rocha, LACNIC Staff
  • Guillermo Cicileo, LACNIC Staff

About the Group of Evaluators

Evaluation of the proposals that are received is delegated to a group of independent evaluators. These evaluators are summoned at the request of the Program Committee based on their areas of specialization. This is an honorary role.

Evaluators will be responsible for:

  • Evaluating the proposals they are assigned by the Program Committee
  • Following the Program Committee's guidelines on the criteria to be followed for conducting their evaluations
  • Presenting their evaluations to the Program Committee on the agreed date
Evaluators working for the 2023 edition
  • Alejandro D'Egidio
  • Álvaro Retana
  • Anna Mandalari
  • Arturo Servín
  • Azael Fernández
  • Carolina Caeiro
  • Edmundo Cázarez
  • Enrique Davila
  • Erika Vega
  • Ernesto Pérez
  • Gonzalo Stillo
  • Hernán Arcidiaccono
  • Hernán Moguilevsky
  • Israel Rosas
  • Jaime Olmos
  • Jesús Martínez Alfonso
  • José Cotúa
  • José Restaino
  • Lucas Coronel
  • Lucimara Desidera
  • Marcelo Bagnulo
  • Mauricio Oviedo
  • Max Larson Henry
  • Nicolás Antoniello
  • Nicolas Macía
  • Oscar Giudice
  • Patricia Prandini
  • Randall Barnett Villalobos
  • Raúl Echeberria
  • Rogerio Mariano
  • Santiago Aggio
  • Silvia Chávez
  • Tomás Lynch
Evaluators working for the 2022 edition
  • Alejandro D'Egidio
  • Carolina Cofré
  • Cesar Farro
  • Edmundo Cázarez
  • Ing. Paul F. Bernal
  • Jesús Martínez Alfonso
  • José Cotúa
  • Lia Solís
  • Marcela Orbiscay
  • María Antonieta Chavarría
  • Mauricio Oviedo
  • Nicolás Antoniello
  • Nicolas Macía
  • Patricia Prandini
  • Rogerio Mariano
  • Silvia Chávez
Evaluators working for the 2021 edition
  • Alejandro D'Egidio
  • Álvaro Retana
  • Anna María Mandalari
  • Arturo Servín
  • Azael Fernández Alcántara
  • Carolina Caeiro
  • Edmundo Cázarez-López
  • Erika Vega
  • Ernesto Pérez
  • Hernán Arcidiácono
  • Hernán Moguilevsky
  • Israel Rosas
  • Jaime Olmos de la Cruz
  • Jesús Martínez Alfonso
  • José Gregorio Cotúa
  • Lucas Coronel
  • Lucimara Desiderá
  • Marcelo Bagnulo
  • María Patricia Prandini
  • Mauricio Oviedo
  • Max Larson Henry
  • Nicolás Antoniello
  • Nicolás Macia
  • Randall Barnett Villalobos
  • Raúl Echeberría
  • Rogerio Mariano
  • Santiago Aggio
  • Silvia Nora Chávez Morones
  • Tomás Lynch

Prior Editions

More information on prior editions of the LACNIC Technical Forum: