+Raices 2020 Selection

The +RAÍCES Program has selected IXP.GT of Guatemala, Telefónica de El Salvador, PIT Peru, and the National University Council (CNU) of Nicaragua as the organizations where new root server copies will be installed this year.

Sixteen Latin American and Caribbean organizations expressed their interest in hosting a root server copy and replied to the call for proposals launched by +RAICES. At this time, four locations have been selected, yet the number of beneficiaries may increase depending on the agreements we reach with DNS root server operators (RSOs).

The selection process took into account various criteria, including countries without any root server copies installed within the framework of this program, countries with a limited number of copies of other root-servers, locations where the installation of a root-server copy would benefit the highest number of users, and locations interconnected with an important number of autonomous systems. This, however, is not an exhaustive list of the criteria that were applied, as a balance between these and others was taken into consideration in agreement with the DNS root server operators.

Now that the organizations that will host the copies have been selected, the next step is to sign the confidentiality agreements to move forward with the purchase and possibly importing the root servers to each country. The installation phase will begin once each server reaches its destination.

This project is part of +RAICES, a program designed by LACNIC with the main goal of supporting the installation of anycast root server copies in countries that are part of the LACNIC service region. Since the program was created, LACNIC has supported the installation of more than thirty copies.