LACNIC and APNIC Launch an RFP for a Study on the Internet's Technical Success Factors

February 22, 2021

LACNIC and APNIC, the Internet address registry for the Asia Pacific region, are inviting proposals by external consultants to conduct a study on the Internet's technical success factors.

The request for proposals is open to individual consultants, researchers or organizations from any region interested in performing the study and objectively analyzing the development of the Internet.

Purpose of the Study

It is important to highlight that neither LACNIC nor APNIC are not looking for an idealistic, reflective study on the Internet. The goal is to identify and connect the Internet's technical success factors, avoiding subjective arguments regarding the Internet's functioning, particularly when it comes to geopolitics. 

The study should focus on the technical factors that have contributed to the growth and evolution of the Internet over the past 50 years, and analyze to what degree such technical factors are still present (or absent) in the Internet of today. (Read Project Goals and Desired Outcomes)

Request for Proposals

Both the initial proposal and the study must be submitted in English. Proposals will be received until March 31 2021.

The full text of the request for proposals is available here.

Any questions should be addressed to internetstudy [@]