Lideres: 2024 Call for projects
Líderes is a LACNIC program that provides funding and mentoring to support research on selected Internet Governance (IG) topics as they are perceived from within the different communities.
To support the contribution of those involved in, and committed to, the goal of advancing the digital agendas with an impact on the generation of public policy following a bottom-up and multistakeholder process, Líderes will continue to prioritize intersessional work, underrepresented communities, and knowledge exchange among peers, while providing an increasingly consolidated platform where the voices of successful candidates can be heard.
In 2024, the fifth edition of Líderes will continue to provide key support to researchers in local communities so that they can study topics with local impact and a local perspective under a grant and mentorship format and will amplify knowledge of such issues throughout the region and even worldwide.
This program aims to provide funding and mentoring to successful applicants so they can conduct research and provide detailed insight on topics related to Internet governance (IG) as they are perceived within their communities. These research projects aim at increasing knowledge about IG issues in Latin America and the Caribbean and they will be featured on LACNIC’s website.
Projects must be unique and not duplicate existing research on regional IG issues, but rather complement existing knowledge in the field. Unique and diverse perspectives will be highly valued.
Researchers selected in previous editions are not eligible to apply for the following two editions of the program. Previously unsuccessful candidates may reapply. Finally, candidates who collaborated in studies conducted in previous years may apply for the current 2024 edition in a personal capacity.
Thematic Areas
How to promote meaningful access, the inclusion of all individuals and their communities, and ensure the protection of Human Rights.
Research in this area should address the ongoing challenges related to the Internet and digital inclusion, and also identify solutions or initiatives that will help to guarantee the protection of Human Rights in the digital sphere.
Topics suggested for this area include:
- Universal access and meaningful connectivity
- Promotion of talent and digital skills
- Innovative access models, initiatives, and solutions
- Right to access and information
- Right to privacy and data protection
- Technology in the Human Rights legislation of Latin America and the Caribbean
- Human Rights in the digital sphere: freedom of expression in the face of censorship/gender freedom
- Role of emerging technologies and their impact on Human Rights
- Barriers to Internet access and the generation of digital divides
- Access to information and fake news
How are AI and emerging technologies evolving? How are their risks being mitigated?
Research in this area should explore the evolution of AI and emerging technologies, considering their innovation and social impact, as well as recommendations to mitigate potential risks to safeguard the rights of individuals.
Topics suggested for this area include:
- User security vulnerabilities
- Non-discrimination, impartial data processing
- Analysis of the use of AI by governments and industries
- Ethical principles to confront AI and its potential risks
- Technical robustness and security (cyberattacks)
- Illegal personal data processing
- Disinformation campaigns
What mechanisms can be used to generate online trust and security?
Research in this area should address cybersecurity, cybercrime, and their impact. Given that security is a key element for Internet development, projects should also seek to understand the mechanisms needed to generate a digital environment based on online trust.
Topics suggested for this area include:
- Cooperation mechanisms
- Hate speech and the rights of vulnerable users
- Protecting children online
- Technology for the promotion of business innovation
- Cyberattacks and cyber conflicts
- Cyber hygiene
- The fight against disinformation
- Cybersecurity practices and standards/ cooperation policies
- Economic and technical impacts of cybersecurity incidents
- Impacts on critical infrastructure
- Cyber diplomacy to strengthen trust between countries
- Internet infrastructure security, stability, and resilience
How can regulations impact the Internet and how are public policies created in our region?
Research in this area should address the various mechanisms under which public Internet policy is formulated in our region, and the challenges that exist for the implementation of the multistakeholder model in this domain. Additionally, research should address how the principles of the Internet can be affected by regulation.
Topics suggested for this area include:
- Multistakeholder participation models in the formulation of public Internet policy
- Internet regulation and fragmentation
- Regulation and net neutrality
- Impact of initiatives such as Cost Sharing, Sending Party Pays, and Fair Share
- Mechanisms for generating Internet-related public policy in the countries of our region
- Impact of Internet Governance Initiatives (NRIs) for the formulation of Internet-related public policy
- Intermediary liability
How does the Internet contribute to the social and economic development of our communities?
Research in this area should address the transformative power of the Internet as a fundamental basis in today's digital world. It should also explore the power of the Internet as a fundamental ally to confront current challenges relating to social and economic development.
Topics suggested for this area include:
- Cooperation models
- Strengthening of the multistakeholder model
- e-Commerce
- Digital government
- Online education
- Telecommuting
- Innovative frameworks and initiatives for social and economic development
Findings can be presented in a variety of formats, including, but not limited to, digital publications with graphics, animations or videos, podcasts, and infographics.
Highlights of the 2024 Edition of the Líderes Program
- Access to funding for up to US$ 1,500
- Access to a mentor that is knowledgeable on global Internet Governance issues
- Three months to complete a brief research project
- The research must be conducted by a single researcher
- The candidate must reside in one of the 33 territories that are part of the Latin American and Caribbean region
- Findings may be presented as a one-time publication, videos, animations, a set of digital flyers, a series of podcasts and infographics, or an original format of the researcher’s choosing
- The resulting work will be featured on LACNIC’s website and promoted via LACNIC’s communication channels
- Regional recognition of the candidate’s intellectual property and opinion on an issue faced by the community
- After completing the research, candidates will receive a certificate validating their participation in the program
- After completing their research, candidates will have the chance to obtain one of the 8 sponsorships that will be offered within the framework of LACNIC Policy Shapers, a program that aims to support the insertion into the world of Internet Governance through various instances of training and participation in the institutional life of LACNIC.
Among others, this program is open to NRI coordinators, university students, academic researchers, journalists, policymakers, independent researchers, and technical communities. Virtually anyone who is —or has been— involved in Internet Governance in their community and/or who can demonstrate strong capacity to conduct a brief, high-quality research project is welcome to apply. Only applications from individuals will be accepted.
The Líderes program has been designed for individuals, not for entities.
These small research projects are expected to create new knowledge and context for Internet Governance issues across Latin America and the Caribbean. With this in mind, here are the criteria the Selection Committee will apply in evaluating applications:
- Alignment with the thematic areas to be funded
- Coherence in problem definition
- Originality
- Diversity (geographic, gender, sector)
Projects must be unique and not duplicate existing research on regional Internet Governance issues, but rather complement existing knowledge in the field.
We recommend that applicants avoid issues related to internal politics, religion, and/or any discriminatory argument that unjustly targets and is harmful to any interested party who is part of their local community
LACNIC will not explicitly endorse nor be responsible or liable for the views or the content produced in the final reports.
Líderes will not fund:
- Applications originating outside of Latin America and the Caribbean (applicants must clearly demonstrate their participation and residence in the region)
- Political or religious organizations
- Promotional activities for existing bodies of research
- Complements to other research grants - LACNIC intends to publish final submissions on its website without reservations
- For-profit activities
- Non-authorship research will not be supported
- Expenses not related to conducting the research and disseminating its findings
Applicants must go to and complete an application form which must be filled out and submitted entirely online. Applications will be evaluated based on pre-established criteria by a Selection Committee comprised of four regional IG experts and members of the LACNIC staff. Four weeks after the Call for Applications closes, applicants will be informed whether their applications were successful. Successful applicants (hereinafter the ‘Candidates’) will be informed of their assigned mentor and will then be required to sign an agreement and return it to LACNIC along with their bank details in order to later receive full payment of the funds. Candidates must schedule check-ins with their mentors (subject to their availability/agreement) during the three-month period. An interim report must be delivered to the mentor so they can assess the development and progress of the research. Throughout this stage, the mentor may offer the candidate recommendations for adjustments that the latter will need to address. At the end of the three-month period, candidates must submit their final report to the Selection Committee, who will review it to ensure its quality and that it is consistent with the plan outlined during the application process. By then, candidates will have been informed whether their work has been approved by the Selection Committee. Once the final report is submitted, it will be uploaded to the LÍDERES Internet Governance Project Portal, located in the OPPORTUNITIES section of the website.
The Selection Committee is comprised of the eventual mentors of the program. During the application process, applicants will be expected to provide a brief overview of the perceived issue (problem statement), along with an outline of the approach they will use to research the problem and the ways in which they intend to capture and disseminate their findings. Each successful applicant will be assigned a mentor, an expert recognized within Latin America and the Caribbean who is involved in Internet Governance, and will have access to ten (10) hours of their mentor’s time for preliminary questions and to validate ideas about their research project, or simply to request general advice on how to capture and disseminate their findings. Findings may be presented in the form of a written publication, videos, animations, a set of digital flyers, a series of podcasts and infographics, or an original format suggested by the applicant. Selected applicants will be expected to complete their research project in three (3) months. Findings will first be reviewed by the Selection Committee and once approved, they will be published on the LACNIC website and promoted regularly through LACNIC’s communication channels.
The 2024 Selection Committee will be comprised as follows:
Raquel Gatto
Claire Craig
Alejandra Erramuspe
Julián Casasbuenas
LACNIC will showcase successful candidates and their work on the LACNIC website and disseminate various materials (press releases, announcements, etc.) to contribute to knowledge of Internet Governance topics in Latin America and the Caribbean. These activities are intended to extend the potential reach of candidates’ interests and research. However, LACNIC will neither endorse nor be held accountable or liable for the views expressed in each body of work.
Important dates
Call for applications opens: Monday, 15 April
Call for applications closes: Monday, 13 May
Evaluation of applications by the Selection Committee: 20 May to 7 June
Announcement of successful applications: 10 to 14 June
Research projects begin: 1st July
Submission of interim findings to the Selection Committee: 16 August
Final submission of findings to the Selection Committee: 30 September
Publication and dissemination of projects in their original language: starting on 14 October