Registration to participate in the LACNIC 36 LACNOG 2021 meeting is now open
13 September 2021
LACNIC is pleased to announce that registration is now open to participate in the LACNIC 36 LACNOG 2021 meeting, which will be held from 11 to 15 October in hybrid format.
While the entire event will be held online, in-person participation will also be available for the activities scheduled for 12 and 13 October at the LATU,Auditorium in the city of Montevideo. Participation in the in-person portion of the event will be limited and, given the travel restrictions adopted by the Uruguayan authorities in response to the global health emergency, will be mainly restricted to residents of Uruguay*.
When registering, please must select your form of participation: online or in person.
For more information on the program and to register, click here.
*Currently, Uruguay's borders are closed except to Uruguayan nationals or residents, foreigners legally residing in Uruguay or whose residence permit is being processed, and foreigners who own homes in Uruguay.
Exceptionally, nonresident foreigners who can duly justify the reason for their trip and provide the required documentation may also be authorized to enter the country. This exceptional authorization to enter the country can only be obtained in certain specific cases, which include commercial, business, legal, humanitarian, diplomatic, work-related, or family-related reasons. For more information on these exceptions, go to:
Force majeure: The in-person portion of the event is subject to the Uruguayan Government’s regulations authorizing in-person events with a maximum authorized attendance. Therefore, should these regulations be amended, the event may be modified, both in relation to the possibility of holding the in-person event as well as to the number of persons authorized to participate in person.