1.1. Documentation
Internet Registries shall use the Internet resources they have been allocated or assigned in an efficient manner. To this end, the IRs shall document the justification for each allocation of assignment.
At the request of LACNIC, the corresponding IR shall make this information available. LACNIC shall not make complementary allocations or assignments to those Internet Registries that have not properly documented the use of the blocks they have already been allocated or assigned. In these cases, existing allocations or assignments may also be reviewed.
The documentation LACNIC may request includes:
- Engineering plans.
- Subnetting and aggregation plan.
- Description of network topology.
- Description of network routing plans.
- Receipts documenting investments (equipment).
- Other relevant documents.
1.2. Principles for Proper Administration and Stewardship
The fundamental principle is to distribute unique Internet numbering resources according to the technical and operational needs of the networks currently using, or that will use, these numbering resources, allowing the sustainable growth of the Internet.
The numbering resources under the stewardship of LACNIC must be distributed among organizations legally constituted within its service region [COBERTURA] and mainly serving networks and services operating in this region. External clients connected directly to main infrastructure located in the region are allowed. Exceptions may be granted to DNS root server operators (RSOs) from outside the service region for the purpose of operating global anycast DNS root service.
*“Mainly” is understood to mean more than 50%.
"Anycast" services that use numbering resources outside said region are acceptable as long as they are provided by an organization legally constituted within the service region [COBERTURA] and at least one copy of the service is hosted on local infrastructure.
Upon obtaining any type of resources from LACNIC or from the corresponding NIR, any legacy resources held by the recipient will no longer be considered legacy resources.
1.2.1.Rational Distribution
Internet numbering resources must be distributed ensuring their uniqueness and considering the technical and operational needs of the networks and infrastructure that use them. Considerations must be made to take into account potential limitations on the availability of each numbering resource at the time of their distribution.
1.2.2.Public Information Registry
Providing a public registry of information relating to the numbering resources that have been distributed is a fundamental requirement for the Internet numbering resources distribution system.
Aimed mainly at ensuring the resources' uniqueness while providing usage and contact information in case operational or security problems arise. Also, to allow analyzing the use of these resources.
1.2.3.Hierarchical Distribution
The hierarchical distribution of Internet numbering resources seeks to contribute to the Internet routing system's scalability, allowing resources to be grouped and announced as concisely as possible.
In some cases, the goals mentioned above may be in conflict with each other or with the particular interests of the requesting organizations. In these cases, a careful analysis of each particular situation is required so that an appropriate compromise can be reached among the conflicting parties.
1.3. Resource Requests
Resource requests to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIRs will be made under the systems in force.
Any request that is considered incomplete will be returned to the applicant with the appropriate instructions so that it can be completed.
1.4. Security and Confidentiality
LACNIC shall maintain systems and practices that safeguard and protect the confidentiality of all the documentation presented to LACNIC to justify resource requests.
1.5. Equal Processing of All Applications
LACNIC shall process each application strictly in the order in which they are received, regardless of geographical factors, demographic factors, language, etc.
Under no circumstance shall LACNIC grant special treatment or make exceptions to the norm established for application processing. For this purpose, LACNIC shall use an application numbering system that will allow their proper administration.
1.6. Non-Guaranteed Routability
Neither LACNIC nor the NIRs will guarantee the routability of allocated or assigned addresses.
Resource recipients are responsible for negotiating such routability with their connectivity providers. LACNIC shall provide the corresponding guidance when necessary.
However, the allocated or assigned resources must be announced (within a maximum of 3, 12, and 6 months in the case of IPv4, IPv6, and ASN resources, respectively), except in those cases where the need not to announce the resources is justified.
RIRs must apply operational procedures that reduce the possibility of fragmentation of the address space to minimize the risk of loss of routability.
1.7. RPKI ROAs with Origin ASN 0
LACNIC will create specific Routing Origin Authorizations (ROAs) in the RPKI infrastructure with AS 0 in the Origin ASN field and the list of unallocated or unassigned Internet Number Resources exclusively under LACNIC administration in the Prefixes list such ROAs.
The number of the before mentioned ROAs and any other technical parameter of it will be under LACNIC discretion
Only LACNIC would have authority to create RPKI ROAs for Internet Number Resources not yet allocated or assigned or either recovered or returned, to which LACNIC is the rightful custodian.
Once an Internet Number Resource is allocated or assigned, LACNIC will invalidate ROAs that contain such resources and will issue new ROAs that do not include them, as necessary.
1.8. Geolocation
In addition to the information available in the WHOIS database, the assignments made by LACNIC and the sub-assignments made by its members will be published in a file along with information on the country in which the prefix was assigned. This file will be available for the community to download freely. Among other uses, this file may be used to geolocate an IP address.
The file format and the place where it will be published will be defined by the LACNIC staff.