Internet Governance

Internet Governance





LACNIC has an important role in what is known as Critical Internet Resource Governance ?the administration of Internet numbering resources and interaction with other organizations related to these technical functions, which are essential to the Internet at a global level.

Likewise, since its creation, our organization has been actively committed to the Internet Governance debate, participated in both World Summits on the Information Society (WSIS), involved in the United Nations' Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG), been a part of the United Nations Secretary General's Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), and actively contributed to the Internet Governace Forum (IGF).

At regional level, together with other organizations (NUPEF, APC), LACNIC has promoted the creation of spaces for multi-sector dialogue where in-depth debates can take place, priorites can be identified, and information on global issues and trends can be obtained. An example of this is the Latin American and Caribbean Preparatory Meeting for the Internet Governance Forum (pre-IGF).

Finally, LACNIC created a space for direct communication and exchange with the region's governments on issues relating to Internet numbering resources and Internet Governance (the LAC Government Working Group- GWG). Its creation has allowed more than 100 government officials representing 26 different countries to broaden their knowledge of IP address administration issues and understand the main elements involved in the technical coordination of the Internet.